How Dream Walker Came To Be

The name Dream Walker Kennels came from my friend Stacey Carver of Celtic Moon Border Collies. She came up with the name as I had been telling her for years that I wanted to go to Alaska and run sled dogs. She laughed and said start walking that dream, it’s going to be a long hard run. When I asked what I should call the kennel, without a second thought she said Dream Walker and here we are today. After co-owning a few of Stacey’s Border Collies, Dream Walker Kennels was born. In the fall of 2014, I took on my first 5 sled dogs.
About the Musher
My name is Victoria. I was born in December of 1992 in the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia. From the time I was 6 years old, I had a fascination with sled dogs and always dreamt of raising dogs of my own. All throughout school, I would do book reports on Iditarod, the Yukon Quest, Libby Riddles, and Susan Butcher. I even went as far as to hook up my childhood English Springer Spaniel to a ManMat Skijoring harness and we’d go up and down the road at 25mph with me on rollar blades.
When I turned age 13, we moved from Georgia to Idaho. On my 15th Birthday, my parents gave me my first dogsled. Those rollerblading days turned into small team runs.
In 2014 I made the move to Fairbanks, Alaska. I craved a change in scenery from the big city of Seattle and hoped the change would allow me to do better in college. After many failed courses due to undiagnosed ADHD, I decided I wanted a dose of the real world and to work towards my goal of running dogs.
Currently, I have about 35 sled dogs and reside in the Goldstream Valley. Over the years I have done quite a bit of sled dog rehab by taking on tedious cases in tough situations.